Operating Principles

One Desk Projects Focus on the Importance of Education and Character Development


Our programs stress the importance of education and supplement the existing curriculum that the students receive from their local schools. Our goal is to create a love for learning and to reinforce the importance of education in everyday life. Educational programs may be in the form of interactive camps in the classroom, scholarship programs or through after school mentoring and tutoring.

We believe that education empowers people to improve socioeconomic conditions for their families, communities, countries and future generations. Therefore, through the opportunities that only education can provide, we will strive to shape the future of children, One Desk at a time, one day at a time.

Character Development

Our educational programs are complimented by character development activities including community service projects or sporting activities. We believe that leaders for our future need to have a strong character foundation and an awareness of social responsibility.

We ensure that we are supporting character development through community service and teamwork. Skills such as self-confidence, self-awareness, decision-making, and problem solving will better prepare a child for the challenging decisions with which one is faced during and after adolescence; this can be learned through competitive sports.

Skills such as humility, service, and compassion for others will better prepare a child for living with purpose and living for a greater good. This can be learned through community service. Therefore, we ensure that the participants are learning about the importance of giving back to the community through community service and about perseverance and confidence through participation in competitive sports.